Utilizing Facebook app campaigns can be a great tool for your business as you look to grow while also potentially cutting costs.
Facebook app campaigns can help increase installations of your app for both Android and iOS systems and can also focus on custom in-app actions, including purchases. Ads can be targeted for people who are more likely to complete those actions.
Another benefit is the ability to create custom audiences and lookalikes based off of app installs or in-app actions, such as purchasing. You can also use Facebook marketing to help ensure your advertisement is connecting with the largest possible audience.
Here are some suggestions for using Facebook’s app campaigns to help your business grow while also lowering your cost-per-install (CPI).
Open Targeting
A major selling point for Facebook is its algorithms.
Facebook’s algorithms do a great job of actually filtering which users should be shown specific ads. This can be quite helpful for those companies that perhaps are not receiving the desired results when doing their own targeting. You can instead use open targeting.
Open targeting allows companies to choose the demographics they wish to target (country and age) and the rest is left blank since Facebook handles it from there.
This can truly help with financial efficiency and reduce CPI.
Facebook’s algorithm is also quite helpful with automation, which can be a critical function for small businesses that don’t have the same resources as larger companies. You need to invest time to ensure you are in the best position to succeed when it comes to the algorithm.
One easy tip is to turn on Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) and begin with Automatic Placements. Utilizing CBO ensures more of your budget goes to the adsets that are producing the best results for your marketing campaign. Your cheapest CPI will typically receive more resources.
Automatic Placements is very similar in that it will utilize more ads in the spots that are producing the best results for your marketing campaign. Use the “breakdown” reports to see which placements are best, and then use Automatic Placements to reduce costs.
Automated App Ads (or Advantage+ App Campaigns) also rely on automation and can help focus more on areas producing the best results
Automated Add Apps utilize Facebook’s machine learning to discover the best of your audiences, ad copy, and creative assets. This, of course, helps reduce CPI.
The drawbacks are that Facebook then has control of audience targeting, and you can really only influence the country, language, and minimum age. Only one ad group can be utilized too.
Make sure you are using DPA ads (catalog ads). The DPA stands for dynamic product ads.
These are especially critical if you’re using a catalog feed since they can help dramatically reduce CPI. First, you want to set up a product feed. Thankfully, these can be imported or synced into Facebook. It’s important to note you don’t have to be an e-commerce company to use catalog ads since you can manually import data such as listings for travel or real estate.
As long as your company sells products/services in bulk, you can use the catalog feature to your advantage and lower your CPI.
When you create campaigns, you need to utilize the iOS 14+ feature since this allows your campaign to connect with all users who utilize ios 14.5 or user.
This will help lower cost since this allows for a great outreach, which will deliver more data to Facebook’s algorithms. That information then allows your ads to be delivered to the people who are actually likely to install your app, which ultimately helps with costs.
Facebook requires 50 conversion events per week to work at its best, per seachengineland.com, and using this feature can help ensure you’re reaching this quota. Using this feature will ultimately help lower your CPI, which is an important selling point.
We hope these tips have helped you learn more about how Facebook app campaigns can help your business and keep costs down. Keep checking Digicom for the latest strategies, tips, and articles for how to take your marketing campaigns to the next level!
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