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Hemant Varshney

6 Meta Strategies to Help Grow Your Business

Facebook–or Meta–remains one of the most important social media platforms for marketers and advertisers to help grow their businesses.

The site averages 1.62 billion users per day, according to, which provides a massive audience to target. Facebook can be quite helpful for building your brand awareness, promoting upcoming events and targeting specific demographics.

Here are some trends and strategies to follow for your Facebook marketing efforts.


Advertising within Facebook‘s news feed is one of the oldest staples in the marketing playbook but it’s a proven and effective formula that works. The news feed is where users begin their Facebook experience and you are bound to catch their attention this way.

Ads or articles on the news feed have the highest click-through rates according to, which showcases why you want to be on the news feed. They can also help create brand awareness since folks will be seeing your brand while they are browsing.

Be sure to include a call to action (CTA) if you are using the news feed.


You want your marketing efforts on Facebook to include videos, much like you would for other social media platforms. Videos are such an integral part of your marketing campaigns and Facebook is a fantastic platform to use for shoppable advertisements and video shoppable ads.

You can use your product page to link to videos that show videos of your product in action, and this can help with engagements and conversions.

You need to tell a strong story with your video–as we always preach–and one tidbit to note is that there is a decent chance your advertisement may not be heard. The easy work around here is to use powerful images or have an ad copy that describes what you are promoting.

The video length should be based on what you are promoting or selling. Product videos shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds, while instructional videos can be longer.


Facebook also offers users the chance to sell their product via an online store that is free and easy to create. You choose which products you want to sell, and then tailor the site to meet their specific design needs.There is not a generic one-size-fits-all approach.

That Facebook Shops is free is a huge selling point since this opens the door for smaller businesses that don’t have the financial capabilities of larger brands.

Make sure you describe your brand and what you offer on the page, and you need to have strong images. If your page looks amateur, it’s going to hurt your earning capabilities. You want to have a vibrant page that is going to attract users instead of pushing them away.

Keep your product descriptions succinct but make sure you include all the essential details that describe how this product will improve your customers’ lives.

You also must keep the page up to date and avoid having products that you no longer carry or are out of stock. You want to be as up to the moment with your inventory as possible.


User-generated content (UGC) is a fantastic tool for engaging with your Facebook audience since it shows a certain authenticity that resonates with users.

UGC can be in video, images or texts and will help build trust since it showcases individuals who have already used your product and are willing to show how it helps their lives.

You need to ask for permission and give credit, but there is tremendous upside in using UGC.. You can also use hashtags–which we will discuss shortly–which helps generate engagement.


While you’re more likely to associate hashtags with Twitter than Facebook, they still have their place on Facebook and can help your marketing efforts. Having a strong hashtag can help make your product easier to find via searching, which aids with the site’s convenience.

You can use a Facebook hashtag challenge to encourage users to use your hashtag, which will help generate engagement and buzz around the hashtag.

Hashtags can also be used for trending developments, along with focusing on a specific audience. You want to limit your hashtags, though, and not use more than two to three.


Augmented Reality–also known as AR–has become an important advertising tool.

Facebook uses Meta Spark to allow advertisers to create ads that include AR elements, including filters for Facebook or Instagram Stories and real-time product experiences. This allows users to virtually try your product, although they are not actually trying it in person.

Your AR ads can include a CTA, which is a necessary function in your marketing efforts, and you can track important data.

We hope these tips and strategies have helped showcase how to better use Facebook to help grow your business. Be sure to keep checking Digicom for the latest articles, tips, and suggestions for all of your marketing and advertising needs!


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