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Sort Out Your Socials with This Simple Audit Guide

A man looking at his audit data and taking notes on a notebook

Okay we get it, working on a social media audit might sound like the less glamorous side of the social media game, but hey, it's super important! Posting is the fun part, but sometimes you gotta clean up and see what's working and what needs a little brush up. 

Auditing is like checking your bank account – you want to know where your money is going and where you can save. Same goes for your social media accounts; it's about finding what’s delivering and fixing what needs a boost. 

And yes; the word "audit" can sound a bit like a lengthy, tedious journey but we're here to show you an easier way to see what's up with your accounts without all the unnecessary stress. 

Ready to dissect each and every account you own? Let’s get started!

Pull Up Every Single Social Media Accounts You Own

A smartphone displaying all social sites like Facebook,  Instagram, Youtube, etc

To audit all your accounts, you need to know all your accounts, right?

Step one: Gather up all your social media accounts, and I mean ALL. I’m not just talking about commonly used platforms like Instagram or Facebook; even that quiet YouTube channel and dusty Pinterest profile count. Don’t stress about the ones you haven’t touched lately, but make sure they're officially yours.

Now that you've got the full lineup, it's time to figure out where your social game is strongest. Surprise, surprise – it might not be where you think!

Understand Your Goals For Each Platform

I mean this part is a no brainer, everything that you do, you have a reason or a goal behind it. Think of it like this: you wouldn't start a road trip without knowing where you're headed.

Similarly, on your social media platforms it's important to understand what goals you’re trying to achieve so you can strive towards that. For example:

  1. Boost brand awareness

  2. Bring in more leads and sales

  3. Increase engagement

  4. Expand your audience (hello, more followers!)

  5. Drive traffic to your website

These goals will guide your roadmap. They'll also tell you what numbers to keep an eye on. Maybe your Instagram followers are skyrocketing, but it's Facebook bringing in the paying customers. 

Goals keep things in perspective. Oh, and no need to fill in every box right away – focus on the metrics that match your goals. 

Ensure that Your Brand Voice and Identity Are Similar

Branding is who you are. When people think of your brand, what comes to mind? You need to take these things into account when setting up your platforms. 

Consistency is the key here, but sometimes the little things slip through the cracks. Take a moment to go through your social media spaces. Ensure there's a cohesive feel to everything, like it's all part of the same team.

Here's the rundown on what to watch for in maintaining brand unity:

Bio and "About" Section: Stick to the guidelines in your style guide, if you have one.

Profile and Banner Images: Keep them in harmony.

Web Links and Landing Pages: Confirm they direct users to the right destinations.

Hashtags: Maintain a consistent approach.

Now, if you're not running a bunch of evergreen campaigns, things might not change much from one check to the next. But if you're the type to switch things up seasonally, like holiday specials, just make sure you're not rocking Christmas vibes in the middle of March. Keep it polished, keep it consistent – you're all set!

Dive Into Your Social Media Posts Analytics

A woman looking at her auditing data and deciding next steps for her social media accounts

I’m sure you’re aware of the fact that when it comes to social media, data is key. Now that you've got your profiles lined up, it's time to peek into the data. This is where you figure out if you're hitting those goals or if there's some tweaking to do. 

Look into the specifics of your individual social media posts – they're like windows into what your audience really resonates with. Are they more into short videos, posts that throw out questions, or perhaps those engaging carousels? Your platform's native analytics hold the answers.

For each platform, take a closer look at the performance metrics of your content. Check out the essentials, like how many people laid eyes on it (impressions or views), the interactions it sparked (comments, "Likes," shares), and the extent of its reach. Consider it as examining each post with a fine-tooth comb to understand what truly clicks!

Learn Your Demographic Data

A man looking into his demographic data on his white iPad

While we’re still on the topic of data, let's dive into the demographics of your audience because what you post and how you say it hinges on who's tuning in. Crafting messages for Gen Z and millennials is a whole different ball game compared to addressing Gen X and baby boomers.

That's why it's important to include age and gender in your social media audience analysis. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook make it easy to find this info.

Ideally, you want your audience data to look pretty consistent across all platforms. If it's not, it might be time to rethink your messaging and content strategy, especially for those outlier networks. Let's make sure your message hits the right notes across the board!

Run a Competitor Analysis

It's like peeking over the fence, but totally legal! Take a good look at what your industry rivals are up to. What kind of content are they pushing out? How often are they posting? Learn their social media game.

Next, time for a little friendly competition. How do you measure up against them? Are you hitting the same milestones, or are you leading the pack? 

Gap Analysis: Ever heard the phrase "the early bird catches the worm"? Find out the gaps in your competitors' strategies. Is there something they're missing that your audience craves? It's your chance to swoop in and offer what others can't.

Sometimes, your competitors might fumble the ball. Did they miss an opportunity, like not engaging enough with their audience or not tapping into a hot trend? That's your queue to step up and shine!

Exploring New Opportunities and Industry Trends

Industries are like oceans, and trends are the waves. Are you riding the latest wave, or are still hanging out in the shallows? How can you align your content with these trends? Whether it's hopping on a popular hashtag or embracing a viral challenge, there’s always a way to stay in the loop!

Plus, social media platforms are always evolving. Notice how there's always a new social media platform popping up? Think about how TikTok went from "What's that?" to "Can't stop scrolling!"

Also, have you heard the buzz about Threads? That platform got so many signups in the first week! Sometimes, being an early adopter pays off big time.

Now, don't stress if you're already juggling a few networks, or if nothing new grabs your attention right now. No biggie! But, staying in the loop with emerging trends? Always a smart move. 

PRO TIP: Staying current isn’t just a trend; it's a strategy. Being the first to adopt a trend can give us a competitive edge that's hard to beat. While we can't see everything, we can make informed predictions and prepare our content strategy for what might come next. That way, we're always a step ahead.

Calculating Your Social Media Success (ROI)

So, you're running a campaign, whether it's organic or a paid initiative on your preferred social platform. You're not just investing funds blindly into those campaigns, you want to know what you're getting back, right?

That's where ROI, or Return on Investment comes in. It's like a report sheet for your efforts, revealing the value you're getting in return for your investment.

TAKE NOTE: Measuring ROI isn't just about counting revenue; it's also about reaching your goals and making a real impact on how engaged your audience is.

Start Thinking Next Steps

A group of team member deciding next steps after conducting their social media audits.

Alright, now that your spreadsheet is mostly filled out, what's the next step? The whole idea behind this social media audit is to get a solid grasp of where you currently stand and sketch out some strategies for the future.

Maybe it's time to grow those followers on a specific channel or kick up engagement. It could even mean aligning your efforts for lead generation. Armed with all those KPIs, you've got the insights to make well-informed decisions.

Repeat the Process

A social media audit is not supposed to be a one-off thing. You should do audits regularly to make sure that everything is going smoothly and see if there are any changes in account performance.

A smart approach is to conduct a social media audit every quarter. This way, you can regularly align your daily efforts with your social media goals and ensure you're optimizing your Return on Investment (ROI).

Where Can I Find a Template For Social Media Auditing?

Starting from a scratch maybe too time consuming. It could be more efficient to have a ready-made template, making it as simple as filling in the blanks. Lucky for you, many websites offer templates for social media auditing. Here are a few examples:


Hootsuite provides a comprehensive social media audit template that covers key aspects like profile information, content strategy, engagement, and more.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social offers a user-friendly template that guides you through auditing your social media presence, covering areas such as audience engagement, content strategy, and competitor analysis.


Buffer provides a detailed social media audit template along with a guide to help you evaluate your social media strategy, content performance, and audience engagement.


With Unmetric, you get a detailed look at your business's social performance—perfect for comparing, benchmarking, and thorough analysis.

Zoho Social

With Zoho Social, their monitoring feature takes the cake. You get multiple "listening" columns updating in real-time as engagement unfolds across your social media profiles.

For a 360-degree view of your audience's online interactions within your industry, turn to This tool not only provides social media reports on your competitors but paints the full picture of engagement in your platforms.

These templates can help serve as a starting point for your social media audit, providing a structured framework to assess your social media presence.

Final Words

Bottom line is, if you're aiming to step up your social media game, it's time to roll up your sleeves and dive deep into the data. 

Conducting a social media audit is important to access all this data that is going to help you implement next steps. After reading this article, we're crossing our fingers that you're all pumped up and ready to conduct your very first audit!


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