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Newsletters Aren't Generating Results? Try This Formatting!

A woman crafting the perfect newsletter format in her living room

An email newsletter helps you connect with your customers, keep them in the loop, and build trust. Think of it like this: when someone signs up for your newsletter, it's because they like what you're offering. 

Maybe they've bought something from you before and had a good experience. They're basically saying, "Hey, I trust you to keep me updated and give me valuable insights."

For instance, if you're in the food industry, your customers might be interested in learning about the latest culinary trends, new recipes, or tips for healthy eating. On the other hand, if you run a fashion boutique, your subscribers may want updates on upcoming fashion shows, styling tips, or exclusive discounts on the latest clothing collections.

Sending out a newsletter filled with useful info isn't just about keeping your customers happy – it's about building a loyal fanbase. When people trust your brand to give them what they need, they're more likely to stick around and keep coming back for more. 

At the end of the day, it's all about giving them value and keeping that bond strong.

What Makes a Good Email Newsletter Layout?

A woman checking a newsletter she just received on her phone

To make sure your marketing emails really resonate and help your business grow, it's important to get your newsletter format just right. If you're not seeing the results you want, it might be because your newsletters need a bit of a makeover.

Subject Line

Think of the subject line as the headline for your email. It's the initial thing subscribers see when they open their inbox. A subject line should directly relate to the email's content and immediately capture the reader's interest. Coming up with an engaging subject line can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your email campaign.

For Example:

Engaging Subject Line: "Exclusive Offer Inside: Get 20% Off Your Next Purchase!"

Why it's good: This subject line is clear, concise, and offers a clear benefit to the reader (a discount). It creates a sense of urgency and encourages the recipient to open the email to learn more about the offer.

Bad Subject Line: "Check Out Our Newsletter"

Why it's bad: This subject line is vague and doesn't provide any strong reason for the recipient to open the email. It doesn't communicate any value or benefit, making it easy for the recipient to ignore or delete without opening it.


So, you’ve crafted the perfect headline and got people to open your newsletter. What should be the first thing people see when they open your headline? 

Easy. Your logo.

Create a branded header to ensure your subscribers recognize your brand right away. Integrate your company name and logo, and infuse your brand's colors to ensure instant recognition in the header.

In each of our weekly newsletters, we've made sure to prominently display our logo at the top. This helps ensure that our subscribers immediately recognize the source of the email and know that it's from us.

Background Color

When choosing a background color for your emails, it's important to consider the overall look and feel you want to convey. Consistently using a specific background color can also help reinforce your brand identity.

In our case, we decided to go with white as it creates a clean and sophisticated aesthetic. However, if you're in the creative industry, you might want to experiment with different colors to see what resonates best with your audience. Don't be afraid to try out bold and interesting colors to make your emails stand out and reflect the unique personality of your brand.


Once your subject line grabs your subscribers' attention and they open your newsletter, the headline is your chance to really hook them in and get them interested in reading more. 

Highlight how something will benefit or interest them, such as a new product introduction or the latest news in the industry you're in.

Keep it short, make sure it's something your audience cares about, and it has to match the rest of the content so readers don't feel misled. Avoid using clickbait headlines that promise one thing but deliver another, as this can make you lose trust with your readers.


The body of your email newsletter holds the real substance. Once your subscribers are hooked by the subject line, header, and headline, they dive into the core information here. 

Keep them engaged with a clear, positive, and helpful copy. Your brand voice should match your audience and industry, and consistency is key across all your marketing materials.

It's important to note that newsletters are typically short reads. So, keep your copy concise and to the point. 

Use straightforward language that's easy to understand. Avoid jargon or complex words that could confuse your readers and lead them to lose interest before reaching the end, which leads us to our next point. 

Simple Design and Easy-to-Read Content

Ensure your layout is neat and your content is easily scannable. Divide text into brief paragraphs and incorporate bulleted lists and clear headings to guide readers through the material. 

PRO TIP: Test out various layouts with A/B testing to determine which format garners the most positive response from your audience.

Boosting Visual Appeal

While content matters, eye-catching visuals are just as important for keeping your readers interested. Use professional photos, animations, illustrations, or helpful charts and graphs in your newsletter. 

Try out different background colors or patterns to make your newsletter stand out visually. Stick to one consistent art style to make your marketing look more unified. And don't forget about making sure everyone can access your graphics easily. 

This means considering factors such as color contrast for readability, providing alternative text descriptions for images for visually impaired individuals using screen readers, and avoiding reliance on visual cues alone to convey important information. 

Essentially, it's about making your graphics inclusive and user-friendly for all your readers, regardless of any disabilities or technical limitations they may have.

PRO TIP: You can even spice things up by adding GIFs to your newsletters like we do!

Getting People to Take an Action

Including a call-to-action (CTA) in your email newsletter is a great way to guide readers to your website, online store, or product page. A clear CTA tells them exactly what to do next: like downloading an app, reading more, or making a purchase. CTAs are important parts of email newsletters.

When you're adding a call-to-action (CTA) to your email, keep it simple and direct. Tell people clearly what you want them to do, like "Click here to learn more" or "Shop now." Make sure it stands out visually, maybe with a bold font or a different color. Put your CTA where it's easy to see, like near the top or at the end of your email. 

You can also try out different CTAs to see which ones get the best response from your readers. 


The footer of your email newsletter is where you provide important information to your readers. It should contain contact details for your business, such as a mailing address, physical address if applicable, customer support emails, and your website URL. 

It's also important to include an option for users to unsubscribe or manage their subscription preferences, as required by law.

Plus, including an unsubscribe link in your emails increases the likelihood of landing in the inbox instead of spam. When recipients can easily opt-out, they're less likely to mark your emails as spam. Keeping spam complaints low is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation.

Final Words

Alright, to wrap things up: getting your email newsletter format just right is key to keeping your readers engaged and driving them to take action. 

When you focus on stuff like catchy subject lines, clear headers, and eye-catching visuals, you can create newsletters that people actually want to read. Keep it short, sweet, and in line with your brand's vibe. 

And don't forget to make it easy for people to unsubscribe if they want - it helps keep your emails out of the spam folder. So, follow these tips, and you'll soon be on your way to email marketing success!


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