Here's How You Capitalise on Holiday Traffic and Build a Lookalike Audience
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Here's How You Capitalise on Holiday Traffic and Build a Lookalike Audience

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

A man holding up a smartphone with Facebook logo on it

The holiday shopping season is gearing up to last even longer this year, with a significant emphasis on e-commerce. According to Insider Intelligence, we're looking at a hefty 4.5% jump in holiday retail sales for 2023. Translation? Businesses, get ready for some big opportunities coming your way! 

Here's the best part—it's not just about the holiday season. The efforts invested in reaching your target audience during the festive season can keep paying off even after the holidays are over.

A helpful trick to get the most out of your holiday marketing is using something called lookalike audiences. 

Lookalike audiences in marketing are like finding online twins of your current customers. Essentially, it involves finding individuals who "look like" your current customers in terms of their preferences, interests, and online activities. 

This approach lets businesses expand the reach of their ads to a larger audience while keeping things relevant. In other words, they can connect with more potential customers who are likely to be interested in what they offer. It's like broadening the scope but making sure they're still talking to the right people.

To start, create a list of people online who behave a lot like those who've checked out your site in the past and then target them. 

Why this is so effective is because this strategy keeps making a positive impact even after the festive season is over. It's like spreading the holiday joy all year round!

3 Effective Strategies for Building Lookalike Audiences Post-Holidays

Facebook Log In page on an iPhone with notebooks on the left and a pen

Wondering how to make the most of lookalike audiences after the holiday hustle? We’re here to show you how. Keep on scrolling!

Tap into Big Shopping Events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The holiday season brings massive traffic to your online spaces, especially during major events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you're in retail, your website is likely crowded with users looking for the perfect gifts.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become global shopping phenomena, and in 2022, people splurged both online and in physical stores. The high web traffic during these events has also caused site hiccups for big retailers. While making sales is the main objective, there's a chance to use this surge in traffic to your advantage in your post-holiday plan.

So how do you do this? Using a lookalike pixel, you can gather all the users checking out deals and those visiting your site and form an audience that mirrors their characteristics. The advantage is that if this new audience behaves similarly, it boosts the chances of conversions in the future, which is what we want right?

Make the Most of Lower-Funnel Campaigns

You've got this big plan to guide people from just checking out your product to actually buying it. At this stage, you've nurtured your target audience, providing all the necessary info about your product or offering for them to decide. Now, the goal is to push them towards conversion.

Whether it's signing up for a webinar, registering for a demo, or making a purchase, reaching this stage takes effort. 

During the holidays, place a lookalike pixel on your conversion event, like the thank-you page after registration or the order confirmation page. This way, you can find more people who act a lot like those who already made a move.

This strategy broadens your audience pool and strengthens your bottom-funnel. Now, you have a ready audience to target once the holiday traffic settles down. 

Create Lookalike Audiences Based on Video View Completions

You can use lookalike audiences to spread the word about your brand, especially during the holiday season. Here's how it works: instead of targeting people who already know your brand, you can use a lookalike audience to reach those who haven't heard of you yet.

Boosting brand awareness using lookalike audiences can be achieved through video completions. Place a lookalike pixel on the completion event of a holiday campaign video. This captures users who have viewed the entire video. Subsequently, you can utilize this audience to construct another lookalike audience, reaching out to similar users who have yet to watch the video.

Final Words

Lookalike audiences offer a fantastic opportunity to connect with individuals who share similarities with your current customers. If your existing customers are fans of what you offer, there's a good chance that people with similar tastes will be interested too!

When it comes to the holiday season, lookalike audiences can be a valuable asset in various situations where you want to attract interested and engaged individuals. As you dive into the planning and launch of your holiday campaigns, make sure to set up a lookalike pixel. This way, you can make the most of the increased traffic during the holidays for your future strategies.


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