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Google's Take on Authority Site Links May Surprise You

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"Here's my affiliate site about handbags - and here's a link to CNN & Wikipedia, please take me seriously now, k?" - John Mueller

We’ve all been taught since the early 2000’s that backlinks help when it comes to SEO and ranking right? Wrong. In a recent discussion with the SEO community on the r/SEO subreddit, Google Search Advocate John Mueller addressed a prevalent misconception regarding linking to well-known websites like Wikipedia.

He clarified that including links to such sites will not have an influence on search rankings. This clarification debunks a long-standing myth that many SEO practitioners have held.

His statement highlights the mistaken belief that linking to authoritative websites is equivalent to borrowing their credibility.

User-Centric Linking: Adding Value is Key

A man in a suit typing onto his laptop

Mueller stressed that linking should revolve around providing value to users, and he emphasized the need to treat links similarly to how we treat content.

“Treat links like content. Does this link provide additional, unique value to users? Then link naturally. Is this link irrelevant to my users? Then don't link to it.”

His remarks indicate that the choice to link to another website should be guided by its relevance and the potential value it offers to users, rather than being driven by an intention to manipulate search engine rankings.

Mueller ended his comment with “Name-dropping a dictionary doesn’t fix your spelling mistakes.”

This analogy summarizes his main message: just as linking to a well-known website doesn't inherently enhance your own website's quality or credibility, referencing a dictionary won't automatically fix your spelling mistakes.

Focus on Creating Quality Content

A woman looking at her notebook and thinking with a pen to her lip

The question posed by the Reddit user highlights a prevalent misconception in the field of SEO that has endured for a considerable duration.

Numerous individuals mistakenly believe that linking to websites with high authority will inherently enhance their search ranking.

Mueller's statements serve as a reminder that search engines prioritize delivering value to users by means of pertinent, top-notch content.

The choice to include a link should hinge on its enhancement of the user experience, rather than its potential impact on search rankings.

With That in Mind, How Does One Provide Valuable Links?

A man typing on Google's homepage on his laptop

Citing Data Sources: Including links to reputable sources that support the data or statistics you present in your content can enhance its credibility. For instance, if you're discussing the impact of climate change, linking to scientific studies or reports from authoritative organizations like NASA or IPCC adds validity.

Additional Information: If your content briefly touches on a complex topic, you can link to a more detailed explanation for readers who want to dive deeper. For example, in an article about quantum physics, you could link to an online resource that explains the principles in more detail.

Definitions and Terminology: If you're using technical terms or industry jargon, linking to definitions or explanations can help readers understand the content better. For instance, in a legal article, you might link to definitions of legal terms.

Expert Opinions: If you're discussing a topic where experts have differing opinions, linking to various perspectives can give readers a well-rounded view. For instance, in an article about a health trend, you could link to different medical professionals' viewpoints.

How-To Guides or Tutorials: If your content mentions a process or technique, linking to a step-by-step guide or tutorial can be immensely helpful. In a DIY article, for instance, you could link to a video tutorial showing the process you're describing.

Case Studies or Real-Life Examples: If you're making a point or illustrating a concept, linking to real-life case studies or examples can make your content more relatable. In a business article, you might link to a case study showcasing the success of a particular strategy.

Interactive Tools: If your content involves calculations, comparisons, or simulations, linking to interactive tools can engage readers and provide them with hands-on experiences. For example, in a financial planning article, you could link to a retirement savings calculator.

Supporting Visuals: If you're discussing a visual concept, linking to diagrams, infographics, or videos can help readers grasp the concept better. In an art appreciation piece, you could link to images of famous paintings you're discussing.

Local Resources: If your content is relevant to a specific location, linking to local resources, events, or organizations can add local context. For instance, in a travel guide, you could link to local attractions and events.

Remember, the goal of including links in your content is to genuinely enhance the reader's experience and understanding. Always prioritize quality, relevance, and the needs of your audience when deciding which links to include.


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