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ChatGPT Introduces Enhanced Privacy Features?

A black screen that says 'Open AI'

OpenAI recently introduced a significant enhancement to its privacy features, giving ChatGPT users the ability to keep their chat history private. In a recent blog post, OpenAI announced a new setting that allows users to disable the storage and usage of their chat history for model improvement purposes. This means that conversations shared with ChatGPT will not be utilized to train or enhance the model. Additionally, OpenAI will retain these conversations for a duration of 30 days, after which they will be permanently deleted from their system.

Previously, to prevent data from being used by the model, users had to opt-out through a form provided in one of OpenAI's articles about privacy policies. However, the introduction of this new setting makes it significantly easier and more accessible for users to choose not to share their data with ChatGPT.

By providing this option, OpenAI aims to prioritize user privacy and empower individuals to have greater control over their personal information. This development reflects the growing demand for privacy-conscious services and the increasing efforts made by technology companies to address these concerns.

How To Turn Off ChatGPT History?

To disable the chat history feature in ChatGPT, follow these steps:

Steps to turn of ChatGPT history

  1. Click on your account name or profile icon to access your account settings.

  2. Look for the "Settings" option and click on it.

  3. A window will appear with various settings. If your "Data Controls" are not visible, click on "Show" to reveal them.

  4. Within the Data Controls section, you will find a toggle switch labeled "Chat History & Training."

  5. Simply tap or click on the toggle switch to turn it off and disable the chat history feature.

  6. By following these steps, you can easily disable the storage and usage of your chat history in ChatGPT, providing you with more control over your personal data and privacy.

OpenAI's decision to introduce the updated privacy setting for ChatGPT comes in response to recent privacy concerns and ethical considerations surrounding the protection of user data. A privacy breach occurred, which temporarily exposed personal and financial information of users to others.

On March 20, the AI chatbot, ChatGPT, experienced a temporary shutdown due to a bug that resulted in the exposure of titles and the initial message of new conversations from the chat history of active users to other users. OpenAI has now disclosed that additional private data from a small number of users was also exposed during this incident.

According to OpenAI, in the hours leading up to the temporary shutdown of ChatGPT, certain users had the ability to view the first and last names, email addresses, payment addresses, the last four digits (only) of a credit card number, and credit card expiration dates of other active users. It is important to note that complete credit card numbers were not exposed at any point during this incident.

As a result, Italy implemented a ban on ChatGPT due to inadequate user data protection measures, citing non-compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws in Europe. Furthermore, a complaint was filed with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleging violations of misinformation laws.

In light of these incidents, OpenAI has reaffirmed its commitment to safety and security and has expressed its dedication to improving safety precautions as their AI systems evolve. Recognizing the need for enhanced data control, OpenAI has announced the development of a ChatGPT Business subscription, catering to professionals and enterprises seeking greater control over their data. This subscription falls under OpenAI's API data usage policy, which ensures that chat content is not shared with the model. This development is likely to alleviate concerns for companies worried about potential data leaks, such as the inadvertent sharing of confidential code by Samsung employees with the chatbot.

OpenAI has stated that the ChatGPT Business subscription will be gradually rolled out in the coming months, indicating the company's commitment to addressing the specific needs of businesses and providing them with a more secure and controlled environment for utilizing ChatGPT.

Final Words

OpenAI's introduction of enhanced privacy features, specifically the ability to disable chat history and prevent data sharing, is a significant step towards empowering users to protect their personal information. By prioritizing privacy, OpenAI continues to demonstrate its commitment to user trust and contributes to a more privacy-conscious AI landscape.


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